6 Unpopular Copywriting Opinions

unpopular copywriting opinions

I know the world of copywriting for small businesses can be a little tricky sometimes. We have a lot of opinions being thrown at us from every possible angle. I thought I’d share some of my unpopular copywriting opinions!! Here’s your reminder to stay true to yourself, go with your gut, & don’t be afraid to question what everyone else is doing.

My Unpopular Copywriting Opinions (that nobody asked for)

1. Stop writing to people’s pain points.

This is lowkey manipulative!! You don’t want a client who books with you out of fear. They won’t be loyal & are likely to question their decision to work with you. Plus… fear-based tactics are NOT how you build a relationship with someone. & I’m a big believer that marketing should be relationship-focused.

You don’t build a relationship with someone by making them feel guilty or telling them to spend money they don’t have. I like to approach business from a place of SERVING my clients. I’m improving their life by helping them.

Instead of speaking to pain points (which can lead to purchasing out of fear & is borderline manipulative) show them how you fill a gap for them. Think of the problem you’re solving and the HUMAN behind that problem. Show them how you fill that gap. Practice empathy & authenticity.

  • Research how your ideal client feels now & make sure your offer speaks to that!

  • Tell your clients the exact problem you’re solving with your services.

  • Tell them 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 how they’ll feel after working with you.

  • Use these emotions to attract clients instead of convincing them they can’t live without you.

I don’t want you to NEED me. I want you to WANT to work with me because you feel empowered to keep growing your business with me by your side. We don’t want clients who book with us out of fear. That’s not how we build loyal clients. That’s not how we connect with other people!!

To learn more about ethical copywriting, I really recommend this Just Keep Showing Up Podcast episode:

2. You shouldn’t speak to everyone.

unpopular copywriting opinions

When you’re at a concert & the lead singer says “Hello you guys!!” it’s not nearly as thrilling when they say “Hello Kansas City!!” We know that the band was literally in St. Louis yesterday & told them that they were the best crowd ever. And they’ll say the same thing to Denver tomorrow. But when Nick Jonas looked into the crowd & said he loved Kansas City, my heart dropped to my stomach. If he said he loved America, I wouldn’t have cared one bit.

Why does this have such an impact on us? Because we love feeling special. That’s why speakers & performers always point into the crowd. We can apply the same idea to our copywriting.

Just like in life, we can’t please everyone. When you’re running your own business, it’s easy to feel like you need everyone to like you.

And sometimes that wishy-washy, people-pleasing mindset bleeds into our copywriting.

When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. Think of one person, your ideal client, & write to them. It helps me to imagine I’m speaking to one of my best friends! My friends make me feel comfortable & confident… and that’s how I want to write.

An example of this: don’t say “hey guys!” in your emails, blog, captions, etc. Say “hey YOU” & insert their first name.

3. The Oxford comma is non-negotiable.

The Oxford comma is the comma that goes last in a list of three things. For example: I’m going to put chicken, guac, and salsa in my taco!

The comma after guac is the beloved Oxford comma. And the aforementioned taco was DELISH.

In my opinion it looks lazy & tacky to leave it out. I know it’s different for some mediums but in copywriting for your business please use it! Sometimes it can some across as unclear. Here’s an example of why the Oxford comma helps us write with clarity….

You’re telling me Harry is the husband AND father of his kids? I did not see that plot twist coming.

4. You should never pay by the word!!!

SOOOOOO much of good writing is cutting out the unnecessary parts. As a copywriter, my goal is to minimize distractions. & point the reader in the right direction. Half the time I’m “writing” I’m actually just cutting out the stuff that doesn’t sound absolutely necessary.

I started out as a freelancer on Upwork & it was a great way to dip my toes into the online working space.... but so many clients on there wanting to pay me per word. I never allowed that because I knew what was sustainable for my growing biz + those types of clients were NOT it.

But a lot of the competition I saw were charging by the word.

When charging per word, if I wanted to make more then I would write more. But if I want the copy to SELL then I (most of the time) need to cut it down.

See the issue?

When setting my rates, I consider the time I spend communicating with my clients, marketing my biz, researching for the content, writing, editing, my writing degree, & my 5+ years of marketing writing experience.

& charging by the word just doesn’t account for all of that.

TLDR; If we’re getting paid by the word, it causes a conflict of interest. We wanna make more but then our copy (probably) won’t be as effective if we write more.

5. Good copywriting won’t sell if you don’t have a solid strategy.

It’s not your copywriter’s job to define your offer or develop a strategy with you. A lot of copywriters (myself included) have an extensive background in branding & marketing. And a lot of copywriters (myself included) love giving advice & helping you when you ask questions.

Need a tip on nailing your Insta stories? Trying to map out content or come up with brand pillars? Want to talk through the logistics of a launch?


I’d love to help you brainstorm ideas, share my experience, & coach you in your marketing efforts with a Brand Strategy Session.

OR hire a biz coach or launch expert!

But as a business owner hiring a copywriter, it’s YOUR job to be clear on your offer. It’s your job to know what your clients want! Unless it’s part of your contract, don’t expect your copywriter to plan your entire ad campaign, launch, etc.

Of course, I’m ALWAYS willing to offer advice. Sometimes I’m a little too eager to offer advice! I’m a big helper & I know God gave me the experiences I have so I can serve you in many different ways.

But even if the copy shines, it won’t be effective if your launch isn’t planned out, your ideal client isn’t clear, or your systems are disorganized.

6. You don’t always have to position yourself as an authority

Of course you want to appear knowledgeable on your topic. You’re a frickin’ genius & that’s why your clients trust you! But sometimes when we claim to be the expert, it makes us seem like we have it all figured out.


And idk about you but I am sooo far from having it figured out!

As someone who focuses on relationship-based marketing, I’m a big fan of coming alongside my clients. I offer advice & I write copy for your thriving business. But I don’t have the answer to everything & I’m tired of being told that we need to act like it!

Is copywriting my genius zone? Absolutely!! I have a whole Bachelors in Writing PLUS a minor in Editing. Between that & 5+ years of marketing, I feel confident in my position to help ya out. (Most days. I’m not immune to imposter syndrome LOL.)

Nobody is perfect & I’m not going to pretend like I am to impress future clients. If you’re my gal, you’re not concerned with perfectionism. You’re obsessed with authentic connects & taking messy action.

When I stopped forcing myself to show up like an authority figure, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Now I just show up as Beth! And honestly, that’s good enough for me.


Beth Hackmann

Beth’s sincerest wish is that every time you come in contact with her via blog, insta, email, or face-to-face… you leave with a pep in your step! This blog should feel like a 10am stroll down the pier with an iced chai in your hand, chatting with your best girlfriend.

Keep poking around for more marketing tips, copywriting hacks, & business BTS.


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