Why Should You Join Her Campus?

I get asked a lot: how did you know you wanted to have your own copywriting business? How did you get experience to launch that on your own?

My answer always boils down to my experience with Her Campus at UMKC.

Joining Her Campus at UMKC was one of the best decisions of my entire college experience. My biggest regret is not joining it sooner. A lot of my friends were involved in the organization and I loved reading their articles every week. I always pushed it off because I felt like I was too busy, but now I am SO glad I made time for it!

In true, HC fashion, here are some bullet points why you should join the chapter of Her Campus at your college or university.

1. Gain Industry Experience

No matter how great my essays were structured, I wasn’t prepared to be launched into a world of tight deadlines, short-form writing, & journalistic editing differences. After writing with Her Campus, I’m confident in my abilities to do so!!

This experience can genuinely be beneficial no matter what field you’re going into, but there are a few career paths that this especially benefits.

If you’re an aspiring journalist, event planner, entrepreneur, editor, blogger, copywriter, or social media manager, DO IT. If your degree is in Communications, Journalism, English, Marketing, or Business….. DO IT.

2. Make Friends & Network

Everyone knows one of the most important things you can do for yourself in college is branch out and meet new people. It’s good for your health and professionally, you get to network.

her campus at umkc

The people in Her Campus are passionate about social justice, educated, talented, & working to improve themselves AND the world around them. They’re the girls you’ll party with AND the girls who will sign petitions to get justice for Breonna Taylor. They’re the girls that will get the best Instagram photo of you AND the girls who will recommend you for internships. You can ask them about birth control, sustainable fashion, and the best Harry Styles songs for your new playlist.

On top of that, involvement in Her Campus means you can apply to be a Campus Trendsetter. This program connects micro-influencers with brands. This means we got to try free stuff, gain digital marketing experience, and network with women from other chapters around the country.

The networking doesn’t stop after you graduate. Now that I’m a Her Campus alum, I’ve been connected to thousands of alums across the country. This has brought job opportunities, career advancement tips, and more.

3. Develop Yourself Professionally & Personally

I’m the writer I am today because of all the experience I have writing articles for HC at UMKC. Before I was a writer with them, I could crank out a research paper or an analysis on romantic period literature NO PROBLEM. And I loved it. But a part of me itched to write more about stuff that impacted women’s everyday lives. I wanted to make people laugh, help them, and connect with them in some way.

Before, I could proofread the crap out of someone’s poetry & offer constructive criticism on their character arcs. But I didn’t have my own voice. Now I do.

This wasn’t just a resume-builder. It was a confidence booster.

When COVID-19 meant our graduation ceremony got canceled last minute, Her Campus put together a virtual ceremony to honor the 2020 grads. #ImStillGraduating included guest speakers and musicians like The Jonas Brothers. It meant so much to us seniors and really showed how much HC cared about their members!

To read my Her Campus at UMKC articles, click here. To check out the amazing content they’re writing, go to Her Campus at UMKC.



Beth Hackmann

Beth’s sincerest wish is that every time you come in contact with her via blog, insta, email, or face-to-face… you leave with a pep in your step! This blog should feel like a 10am stroll down the pier with an iced chai in your hand, chatting with your best girlfriend.

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