Website Audit Strategy Session

Personalized, one-on-one website copy support & coaching!!! A two hour session with me (Beth!) to feel confident in the copy that's on your website.

You will learn...

  • the exact process for writing website copy in your unique brand voice

  • how to optimize your website so it's besties with the search engine

  • how to create an unforgettable website user experience that's up to par with your amazing business

one step closer to the website of your dreams

All this for you…

  • Access to my signature Brand Voice Clarity Worksheet

  • All my suggestions, edits, feedback, & advice on website copy, design, SEO, & user experience

  • A google doc of my notes on your website

  • Two hour one-on-one session with me where we go page by page & discuss your website

  • Rewritten SEO meta description

  • Rewritten one paragraph per page

  • Coaching on how to rewrite your web copy

  • Post-session homework: TANGIBLE action steps

  • A loom recording with all my notes & feedback!

  • Time for Q+A

  • Post-session Voxer support for 30 days while you implement the changes yourself

Who is this for?

  • You have a completed, DIY website

  • You love to be hands-on with your marketing & copywriting

  • You wanna learn how to implement changes on your website so you can continue adjusting it as your business grows & evolves

  • You know your website needs a little "clean up on aisle nine" but you're not ready to outsource to a copywriter or website designer

  • Your copy isn't converting like you need it to

  • You have no clue what SEO is or how it can help scale your business

  • The client experience on your website isn't up to par with how amazing you are

  • You spent a lot of time & money on building your website & wanna make sure it's *chefs kiss*

  • You're willing to make the time to implement the changes yourself

Check “finish website” off your list in less than a day.

No more procrastinating or wondering if your copy will convert!

I’m in! How does this work?

  • Pay the invoice - $250 to hold your spot

  • Book your 2 hour time slot - you'll get a link to my calendar right after you pay!!

  • Fill out the Brand Voice Clarity Worksheet & send me your answers

  • Send me your website login so I can see your SEO analytics

  • Your final payment is due the day before our session

  • I come to our meeting with all my suggestions, edits, feedback, & advice on website copy, design, SEO, & user experience

  • I re-write your SEO meta description & one paragraph per page, live on our call so you can see how it's done!

  • You leave with tangible action steps after I teach you how to implement the changes

  • After the call, I send you a loom recording of my notes

  • You can ask me any questions by sending me a Voxer message - you get 30 day support while you implement the changes!!


Email Marketing Strategy Sessions